// harmony ok yes, again
// harmony also
// harmony, as always
// hrh princess julia, round ours
// charlie at the mews
Japanese Girls frontman Charlie Kerr passed through while on tour, visiting the mews for some chats and some portraits.
// click to enlarge
// a thing I made, with Ben in
I wanted to make some test footage for an idea I have about glass and reflections and analog vs digital through multiple filters blah blah blah anyway, when i came to view it, I was listening to Clint Mansell, and the music pushed me to make it something else. it's still just a test, and it isn't complete, but it really took on a life of its own. // starring my husband Ben Ashton, made on a Saturday night.
// harringay passage
// hot valves in the studio
a lil bit ago, I went to visit the man Malcolm Doherty at Mick Jones' studio in West London, where Gary McPherson of the legendary Big Audio Dynamite and the Rotten Hill Gang was recording the Hot Valves. I'm 90% sure I was tricked into coming round so they could get a female voice in the backing vocals and some sexy putting-on-lipstick in a video being filmed by Andrea Vecchiato. Either way here are some handsomes of some handsomes.