saint judith
sneaks from shoot with stylist viktoria sekrier // hair and makeup by oscar alexander lundberg // model jude at models1
little something
jude at models1 // photo fiona garden // styling viktoria sekrier // hair and makeup oscar alexander lundberg
faster campaign on
princess julia with ben ashton for house of voltaire
I recently shot portraits of Princess Julia, for a collaboration with my husband, Ben Ashton - the photos were used as source for gorgeous portraits, painted on ceramic plates and donated to the House of Voltaire pop up shop
one of the plates:
Plate image copyright Ben Ashton. Courtesy Simon Oldfield Gallery
...and of course I couldn't resist a couple of BlackBerry portraits
october by bb
more russian muse
Faster by Mark Fast in Vogue Russia
...the lovely Isabelle Surmont shot my me, working with Mark Fast, with art direction by Amanda May, creative consultant Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, styling by Karen Munnis and hair and makeup by Emma White Turle // this campaign is everywhere!!