// Ali Love //
// a girl //
Sneak Peek at new Ali Love artwork
Pic of mine on the Ali Love single, Love Harder, out on Back Yard Recordings, art direction by Trevor Jackson, styling by Saranne Woodcroft. Also, a sneak peek at the artwork for Smoke and Mirrors... Ali is an unparalleled character, and working with the unflappable Camille Benett on these projects is more fun than should even be allowed.
p.s., I want a chain mail hoodie.
SNIPE MAG! New for London!
...bringing my total gay dream boyfriend Dan Savage's incomparable agony uncle advice to London for the first time, as well as music, arts, theater, and political coverage, available free from spots all over the big smoke. Check them out here!
(Cover pic by me, starring the lovely Annabel)
New single by UK artist McLean (Atlantic Records) // photos by me. An absolutely charming man, and what a voice. I am not going to lie, "My Name" gets stuck in my head regularly. I have an acute feeling that a very many weddings this summer will feature this track.
Excellent production assistance by Greg and Darren at US3 Productions, shot at Spring Studios, London.
Teenagers In Tokyo
The lovely Teenagers In Tokyo (Back Yard Recordings) in Wonderland Magazine, photo by yours truly. Also on Dazed Digital! Oh um and also Don't Panic Online.
New album 'Sacrifice' available now.
Hey NV10, bring me out to Vancouver!
Hey guys - here's my plea for one (or hopefully two, seeing as it's a couple thousand kilometerssss....) of your generous travel bursaries.
I moved from my hometown of Vancouver to my other hometown of London, England, last July, after six years of givin' 'er a go as a fashion photographer in Vancouver's somewhat less-than-vibrant fashion market. While of course I miss my friends and family, the beach, the seawall, the spring Sakura, ohhh my God, the food at Guu.. I am really committed to pursuing my career, and this is where it has led me.
Check out my lil video below, my appeal to you, the NV10 team, to bring me across a very large pond to come and trade ideas and new approaches with everyone at Northern Voice 10.
I feel like I have a gift for sharing experiences and opening people up to new ways of expressing themselves. I have a lot of friends and colleagues in the sprawling Vancouver social media network, and would love the opportunity to meet up with everyone to both share and to absorb ideas, methods and tips as far as getting our work out there, and just to share share share!
If you like, check me out through my friends and colleagues in Vancouver - lovelies like Kris Krug and Rachel Zottenberg of Grace Gallery not to mention my former boss Vanessa Leigh and my editor Michael Mann at ION Magazine where I was the photo editor for five years, as well as the admin and instigator of our flickr pool.
(As an aside, maybe the reason I came out so technologically inclined <read: nerdy> was as a result of growing up in the same house as my techie pioneering big bro, Alex Garden, one of the founders of Relic Entertainment, currently reinventing the Deathstar at Microsoft.)
As well, incase you missed the links in the video, here they are again:
My website for my fashion photography
My (I must admit, totally killer) StumbleUpon
...and on a final, heart-wrenching, family-oriented note, the event falls over the weekend of my dear old Dad's 65th birthday, so being back "home" would allow me to share that with him as well - and really, it's all about sharing, right?
Felder + Felder AW/10